Compare compensations and insurances ONVZ Vrije Keuze 2024

Below you will find what is reimbursed per health insurance policy. This way you can easily compare the different insurances based on what you think is important.

Abroad: non-urgent (scheduled) health care

100% as per Dutch rates

Startfit coverage also applies abroad

Benfit coverage also applies abroad

Optifit coverage also applies abroad

Topfit coverage also applies abroad

Tandfit A coverage also applies abroad

Tandfit B coverage also applies abroad

Tandfit C coverage also applies abroad

Tandfit Preventief coverage also applies abroad

Abroad: urgent health care

100% as per Dutch rates

Startfit coverage also applies abroad

Benfit coverage also applies abroad

Optifit coverage also applies abroad

Topfit coverage also applies abroad

Supplement on top of basic health-care plan coverage

Abroad: vaccinations and preventive medicines

No coverage

€75 for 11 illness risks

€75 for 11 illness risks

€100 for 11 illness risks

100% (all illness risks)

Acne treatment

No coverage

€ 150 up to the age of 21

€ 200 up to the age of 21

€ 300 up to the age of 21

€ 400 up to the age of 21

Admission for medical mental health care (GGZ)

100% for a contracted health-care provider. Otherwise limited coverage.
In the event of diagnosed or suspected psychological disorders.

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Adoption care

No coverage

No coverage




Aid for third-party claims for injury

No coverage

€12.500 for a lawyer or claims 
management service (engaged by us)

€12.500 for a lawyer or claims 
management service (engaged by us)

€12.500 for a lawyer or claims 
management service (engaged by us)

€12.500 for a lawyer or claims 
management service (engaged by us)

Alternative/non-conventional medicine and movement-related care

No coverage

€ 30 per day, up to € 100

No medicines

€ 40 per day, up to € 350

No medicines

€ 50 per day + registered medicines, up to € 550 combined

€ 65 per day + registered medicines, up to €1,000 combined

Antenatal screening


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Audiological health care


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Bed-wetting alarm

No coverage

No coverage

€ 85 for entire term of the health-care plan

€ 85 for entire term of the health-care plan

100%, once during the entire term of the health-care plan

Carer relief

No coverage

No coverage




2 weeks, in the case of emergency admission after a serious accident or diagnosis of a serious ailment

Childcare in case of hospital care

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Combined lifestyle intervention (CLI) for overweight patients

100% combined lifestyle intervention (CLI) for overweight patients

No coverage

No coverage

€ 250 for an exercise programme as part of a CLI and other exercise programmes combined

€ 500 for an exercise programme as part of a CLI and other exercise programmes combined


100% up to the age of 21 in the event 
of contracted health care, otherwise 
limited coverage,
In certain cases also over
the age of 21
Sometimes you will need to pay a 
personal contribution

100% from the age of 21 to 30

100% from the age of 21

100% from the age of 21

100% from the age of 21

Cosmetic camouflage instruction

No coverage

No coverage

€ 70 for 2 lessons

€ 70 for 2 lessons

€ 120 for 2 lessons

Dental health care after an accident

Some cases

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 2,500

€ 5,000

€ 5,000

€ 10,000

€ 10,000

Dental health care from the age of 18

Limited, as per coverage for the Dental surgeon, Dental prosthesis, Front-teeth replacement and Specialist dental care

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 200, of which up to € 75 for preventive dental health care (M codes)

€ 500, of which up to € 150 for preventive dental health care (M codes)

€ 1,250, of which up to € 250 for preventive dental health care (M codes)

  • check-ups and preventive care in full
  • other dental care: € 2,000, of which up to max. € 300 for fillings and gum treatments combined
  • electric toothbrush + brush heads

Dental health care up to the age of 18

100% of most treatments

No coverage

No coverage



Dental prosthesis (‘dentures’) from the age of 18

You pay a personal contribution for full dentures and repair/rebasing

No coverage

€ 120

€ 200


€ 200 for the personal contribution, implants, partial dentures and other dental health care, under the coverage for Dental health care from the age of 18

€ 500 for the personal contribution, implants, partial dentures and other dental health care, under the coverage for Dental health care from the age of 18

€ 1,250 for the personal contribution, implants, partial dentures and other dental health care, under the coverage for Dental health care from the age of 18

No coverage

Dental surgery from the age of 18


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Diagnostics for primary health care


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage



No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Dietary preparations

100% in certain situations in the event of contracted health care, otherwise limited coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage


3 hours

No coverage

€ 120

€ 200


Domestic assistance

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

9 hours

After hospital admission

18 hours

After hospital admission

1 week

In the case of emergency admission after a serious accident or diagnosis of a serious ailment

Electrical epilation and laser treatment

No coverage

No coverage

€ 350 for entire term of the health-care plan

€ 750 for entire term of the health-care plan

€ 1,500 for entire term of the health-care plan

Exercise programmes

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 250 for all exercise programmes in the event of chronic illness, cancer, and the combined lifestyle intervention jointly

€ 500 for all exercise programmes in the event of chronic illness, cancer, and the combined lifestyle intervention jointly

100% only for exercise programmes during and after cancer

ExpertClean toothbrush

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

1 toothbrush, once per term of health-care plan and set of 4 brush heads per calendar year

Fertility treatment

Up to the age 43
For IVF: 1st, 2nd and 3rd attempts 
only, from IVF coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

4th and 5th IVF attempt (up to the 
age of 43), from IVF coverage

Foot care

Annual foot check-up

In the event of an increased risk of foot ulcers foot check-up and foot care

No coverage

No coverage

€200 for other foot care and insoles

€500 for other foot care and insoles

Front-teeth replacement

100%, until the age of 23, if necessity was determined before 18th birthday

Sometimes, coverage under Dental health care from the age of 18

Sometimes, coverage under Dental health care from the age of 18

Sometimes, coverage under Dental health care from the age of 18

Sometimes, coverage under Dental health care after an accident

Sometimes, from the OntzorgPlus coverage Dental health care after an accident

General practitioner (general medical care)


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Geriatric rehabilitation


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 50 per day for extra facilities

Glasses, (contact) lenses and laser eye treatment

100% if there is a medical indication, 
covered under Glasses and contact 
lenses with medical indication

No coverage

€75 per 2 consecutive calendar years

€150 per 2 consecutive calendar years

€300 per 2 consecutive calendar years

Health care for sensory impairment


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Health resort

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 500 for rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis

Help for carers

No coverage

Carer support from ZorgConsulent adviser

Carer support from ZorgConsulent adviser

€ 350 for a care broker

Carer support from ZorgConsulent adviser

€ 500 for a care broker

Carer support from ZorgConsulent adviser


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 25 per day for personal payment

Max. 3 months

€ 50 per day for personal payment

Max. 3 months

Hospital admission


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Hospital admission: assistance and extra services before and after

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Hospital admission: extra luxury and comfort

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

In vitro fertilisation (IVF)

Up to the age of 43, 3 attempts

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Up to the age of 43, attempts 4 and 5

Individual budgets (under the Zorgverzekeringswet [Health Insurance Act]) (Zvw-pgb)

100% as per the Reglement Zvw-pgb
[Zvw-pgb regulations]

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Influenza vaccination

No coverage

No coverage




Maternity care

100%, you will need to pay a personal contribution

No coverage

€ 250 for the personal contribution and extra maternity care

€ 400 for the personal contribution and extra maternity care

€ 550 for the personal contribution and extra maternity care

Maternity package

No coverage

No coverage

Once per birth

Once per birth

Once per birth

Mechanical ventilation


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Medical appliances

100% in the event of contracted health care, otherwise limited coverage

Sometimes you will need to pay a personal contribution

No coverage

No coverage

€ 250 for personal contributions

 € 500 for personal contributions

Medical care for specific patient groups


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Medical mental health care (GGZ)

In the event of diagnosed or suspected psychological disorders:
• 100% for a contracted health-care provider
• otherwise limited coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 500 for consultations for adjustment disorders and work and relationship problems

€ 1,000 for consultations for adjustment disorders and work and relationship problems

Medical specialist


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Medical transportation

In certain situations, you will generally 
need to pay a personal contribution of €118

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Personal contribution

Personal contribution
Medical transportation to a hospital far away up to 1 year after the serious accident or diagnosis of a serious ailment

Medical transportation by ambulance


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Medicines in supplementary health-care plans

No coverage

No coverage

€ 150 for personal contributions, some registered medicines and dressings

€ 300 for some registered medicines, dressings and melatonin, of which up to € 250 for personal contributions

€ 1,500 for some registered medicines, dressings and melatonin, of which up to € 250 for personal contributions

Medicines under the basic health-care plan

• 100% in the event of contracted health care, otherwise limited coverage
• Sometimes you will need to pay a personal contribution
• According to preference policy

No coverage

The personal contribution under coverage for Medicines in supplementary health-care plans

The personal contribution under coverage for Medicines in supplementary health-care plans

The personal contribution under coverage for Medicines in supplementary health-care plans

Menopause consultant

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 200 for consultations

€ 350 for consultations

Nursing and other care in the personal environment

100% in the event of contracted 
health care, otherwise limited coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Occupational therapy

10 hours

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage


OntzorgPlus: modification of home or vehicle

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Once during the entire term of the health-care plan
€ 100,000 for modifications to your home, or
€ 40,000 for modifications to your vehicle

Organ transplants and donation


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Orthodontics from the age of 18

For serious ailments only, under coverage for Specialist dental health care

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 500

Orthodontics up to the age of 18

For serious ailments only, under coverage for Specialist dental health care

No coverage

No coverage

From the start of treatment:
1st 12 months max. € 1,000
2nd 12 months max. € 1,000

From the start of treatment:
1st 12 months max. € 1,000
2nd 12 months max. € 1,000
3rd 12 months max. € 1,000


100% for certain ailments

No coverage

€ 500 for other eye complaints

€ 750 for other eye complaints

€ 1,000 for other eye complaints

Physiotherapy and remedial therapy from the age of 18

• List of chronic ailments for physiotherapy: from the 21st
• Intermittent claudication: max. 37
• Osteoarthritis in the knee or hip joint: max. 12
• COPD: depending on the GOLD grade, 0 to 70
• Urinary incontinence: max. 9
• Rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis and COVID-19: coverage under Provisionally approved treatments
• Exercise intervention for fall prevention

• 10 sessions, of which up to 9 manual therapy sessions
• 100% in the event of contracted health care, otherwise limited coverage

• 16 sessions, of which up to 9 manual therapy sessions
• 100% in the event of contracted health care, otherwise limited coverage

• 30 sessions, of which up to 9 manual therapy sessions
• 100% in the event of contracted health care, otherwise limited coverage

• 50 sessions, of which up to 9 manual therapy sessions
• 100% in the event of contracted health care, otherwise limited coverage

Physiotherapy and remedial therapy up to the age of 18

• List of chronic ailments for physiotherapy: 100%
• Other medical indications: 9 sessions, and 9 additional sessions on referral

• 10 sessions, of which up to 9 manual therapy sessions
• 100% in the event of contracted health care, otherwise limited coverage

• 16 sessions, of which up to 9 manual therapy sessions
• 100% in the event of contracted health care, otherwise limited coverage

• 30 sessions, of which up to 9 manual therapy sessions
• 100% in the event of contracted health care, otherwise limited coverage

• 50 sessions, of which up to 9 manual therapy sessions
• 100% in the event of contracted health care, otherwise limited coverage

Plastic surgery

In specific cases

No coverage

No coverage

• In the case of physical 
dysfunction: upper eyelid 
corrections and replacement of 
breast prostheses
• Correction of the position of the ears up 
to the age of 18

• In the case of physical dysfunction
• Correction of the position of the ears up 
to the age of 18

Pregnancy and childbirth

100%, you will need to pay a personal contribution in some cases

No coverage

€250 for the personal contribution and extra maternity care, under coverage for Maternity care

€400 for the personal contribution and extra maternity care, under coverage for Maternity care

€550 for the personal contribution and extra maternity care, under coverage for Maternity care

Preventive check-ups

On medical grounds, under coverage for 
General practitioner, Medical specialist 
or Testing for hereditary diseases

1 personal health check-up or sports health check-up

1 personal health check-up or sports health check-up

1 personal health check-up or sports health check-up. And 50% of other 
health check-ups or a sports-medical examination, up to max. €200

1 personal health check-up or sports 
health check-up. And up to max. 
• 50% of other health check-ups or a 
sports-medical examination
• 100% for pharmacogenetic testing

Preventive health-related courses

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

75% for first aid courses and 100% for other courses, total up to max. €150

75% for first aid courses and 100% for other courses, total up to max. €250

Primary-care admissions


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 50 per day for extra facilities

Provisionally approved treatments

100% if you enter the clinical trial

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Psoriasis day treatment

100% under Medical specialist coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 150 for quitting smoking and other preventive health-related courses, coverage under Preventive health-related courses

€ 250 for quitting smoking and other preventive health-related courses, coverage under Preventive health-related courses

Psychological health care with a general practitioner


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Quitting smoking

Programme aimed at quitting smoking, including nicotine replacement/medicines

No coverage

No coverage

€ 150 for quitting smoking and other preventive health-related courses, coverage under Preventive health-related courses

€ 250 for quitting smoking and other preventive health-related courses, coverage under Preventive health-related courses

Reimbursement in exceptional cases

With our permission

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Second opinion


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Specialist dental care

100%, you will need to pay a personal contribution in some cases

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

The personal contribution, coverage under Dental health care from the age of 18

The personal contribution, coverage under Dental health care from the age of 18

The personal contribution, coverage under Dental health care from the age of 18

The personal contribution, coverage under Dental health care from the age of 18

Specialist medical rehabilitation


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Speech therapy


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Stay in a guest house

No coverage

No coverage

Parents of the child: €12,50 per day, up to €260 
Family member of the adult: €25 per day

Parents of the child: €12,50 per day, up to €260
Family member of the adult: €25 per day

100% for parents of the child and a family member of the adult
100% of the overnight costs after a transplant or cancer treatment

Sterilisation and reversal operation

No coverage

No coverage

Once during the entire term of the health-care plan 
€ 1,000 for female sterilisation
€ 350 for male sterilisation

Once during the entire term of the health-care plan
€1,200 for female sterilisation
€400 for male sterilisation

  • 100% for sterilisation and reversal operation
  • 1 year wait for reversal operation

Stuttering therapy

No coverage

No coverage

€ 350 for entire term of the health-care plan

€ 500 for entire term of the health-care plan


Support pessary

No coverage

No coverage




Swimming for over 50s

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage  


Tackling overweight and obesity in children


No coverage

No coverage

€250 for an exercise programme as part 
of a CLI and other exercise programmes 

€500 for an exercise programme as part 
of a CLI and other exercise programmes 

TENS device

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage



Testing for hereditary diseases


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Therapeutic camp for young people

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 300 for asthma, diabetes, obesity, constitutional eczema, or cancer

100% for asthma, diabetes, obesity, constitutional eczema, or cancer

Thrombosis service


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Walking aids

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€ 100 for 5 kinds of walking aids

€ 100 for 5 kinds of walking aids

Wereldfit: coverage in the event of death

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Repatriation of the physical remains or €7,500 for funeral expenses
Travel companion’s extra travel and accommodation expenses
Costs of family coming over

Wereldfit: early return

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Extra travel and accommodation costs (abroad) that you incur when you have to return home unexpectedly

Wereldfit: hospital care in Belgium and Germany

100% as per Dutch rates

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

100% for medical specialists in Belgium and Germany

Wereldfit: repatriation

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Repatriation in the event of serious ailment or injury

Wereldfit: replacement driver

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

Replacement driver


No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

No coverage

€200 per day, up to €2,000
In a zorghotel recognised by us

€ 151,20 p/m
€ 9,15 p/m
€ 22,75 p/m
€ 46,95 p/m
€ 74,40 p/m
€ 4,50 p/m Extra module
€ 3,50 p/m Extra module
Tandfit A
€ 13,90 p/m
Tandfit B
€ 33,25 p/m
Tandfit C
€ 46,00 p/m
Tandfit Preventief
€ 35,75 p/m

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Customer about ONVZ

Very satisfied, I feel like I don't have to worry. ONVZ simply arranges it.
Anne-Fleur 38 years

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